Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Affiliate Marketing

How to Make Money Affiliate Marketing | Read this article if you are interested in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn some extra income if you have some sort of web presence. If you write articles for a site you can add affiliate links to your articles and earn some money off of those writings. There are sites like Ehow, helium, Hubpages, Squidoo, and bukisa that give you a place to write about what you know about and share in there earnings for the traffic you create. With bukisa you can build a team and share in there earnings as well. Helium, and Squidoo have an option similar to this also but I have only found a way to send links through email. Hubpages you can have them link on your link and I think you get some sort of earnings there aswell. Good luck and thank you for reading.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Social Networking

If you have tried sites like myspace and facebook, and who hasn't then why wouldn't you try the same idea but get paid for it. I belong to a site that looks alot like face book but they pay you for every referal you get. When you go there and sign up you have to add a picture and sign up for the account now debit card where they will direct deposit you check. After this you are an active member and start reffering. The referals work 6 people deep and as wide as you can go. Once you build up a network you will be making a decent monthey pay and just networking with your friends like before. Click here to view my page and check it out, if you decide you like it just click here to get started on the application. This is a free to join site and I have been paid from it so I know it works.

Make money from google adsense
Click Here!

Friday, April 24, 2009

What I have found

Since I have been laid off, just like every year, I have tried to find ways to make extra money online. In this blog I am going to go over some of the things I have found good and bad. If you have found different avenues and feel they are worth sharing leave a comment.
So far the best option I have found is the writing avenue. If you have any knowledge in a particular field then you can write to help people learn to do things. This is not a get rich scheme you do have to work to make any money, but I did start making a small amount of money within my first month, and after doing stock photography that to me is kind of amazing. The more articles you have the more money potential there is, kinds like the stock photo industry, and the more interesting they are the better chance you have. There are quite a few sites you can sign up at depending on what kind of things you would like to write about. If you want to write how to articles there is a great place for that, or if you want to be more journalistic. If you want to write about movie reviews amongst other things click the writing link above. There are tons of opportunites out there and I will talk about some more at a latter date.